
Do you ever feel that sometimes life is conspiring against you ??

After having a gentle 7.5 mile run on Monday, the longest since Barns Green Half Marathon I then go down with a buggy thing. If I was male it would have been called man flu 😉 so no more running for me for the week.

So, all in all it doesn’t look good for Hell Runner. I have this week to get some training in and, hopefully, a 10/11 mile run next weekend. I am then working away for a week and I know I won’t get the chance to go running, I get home on the Friday and Hell Runner is on the Sunday…….

I know I can do the distance and that isn’t the bit that concerns me… What is more worrying is the hills and water… I had hoped to be running hills on pretty much every training session for the last two weeks and that just hasn’t happened. So, I guess it will be a case of watch this space….

Anyway, this is a photo of me with Millie 🙂 she has been enjoying the runs we have done together, I need to increase the distance that she walks with me before increasing the distance we run together……

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