Well, time is certainly whizzing past….. This is one of our busiest times of years work wise so other things (like this blog) start to slip a bit…
Some good news though ! I will be doing my Coach in Running Fitness course in November 🙂 I think it is fair to say I’m looking forward to it as well as being a bit apprehensive all at the same time. I find the mechanics and science behind running fascinating and I’m looking forward to learning more about it all.
The Steyning beginners group is going from strength to strength. Considering we started in April with one person we now have over 20 ! On the 18th August some of the beginners will be taking part in their first fun run league race, I hope the weather is good but not too hot, it will be great to get them out running these races regularly 🙂
I’ve left the best to last….. On Monday I collected our new puppy, Honey. She is another Cockapoo from the same breeder as Millie. I had forgotten how tiny puppies are, and how load they can be at night for the first few nights…
It will be a few months before she comes out running with us, I’m taking Millie out running on her own at the moment (she is up to about 10 miles on a long run) and has learnt a few commands like “left” and “right” so I can tell her which way to go…. She still runs on ahead up the hills and waits for me to catch up !
Anyway, this is Honey 🙂

Honey already looks quite big! Reminds me so much of Archie – but he was a little tubbier even then!